Nathan Forget
Nathan Forget

Nathan Forget (pronounced for-zhay) is a software engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area. He works for WB Games on Harry Potter Wizards Unite. Before WB, he worked for Unity, making tools used by game developers around the world. Before Unity, he worked at Kabam, where he released two iOS Editors' Choice games, Spirit Lords and Star Wars Uprising. He also worked on several unreleased games during his time with Kabam.

Before moving to San Francisco, Nathan lived in Florida, where he worked for a small startup making educational games and software for high school students. While there he designed and built a 3D game engine.

Nathan got his master’s degree from the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy at the University of Central Florida. He got his undergrad degree from William & Mary.

Nathan prefers to code in C++ or C#, but he has also done professional work in many other programming languages.

Nathan loves games of all kinds, especially board games and card games. He also loves watching and playing soccer. When he’s not writing code, taking care of his kids, or playing a game, he can often be found enjoying a good book.